Batu Feringhi Outing

Posted by razifembi | Friday, April 18, 2008 | | 0 comments »
I've decided to set an outing for today . . . My destination is Batu Feringghi . . . it been a quite long time that I haven't been there . . . A Chinese restaurant that known as famous pirate DVD centre already wiped out . . might be a new building will be develop.

I arrived there at Park Royal beach around 4.20 pm. Suddenly ''azan'' surrounding the air. Came from the minaret of the mosque nearer the hotel. Looks like a new mosque . . . was the 1st time prayed there.

There was a big iron box, at 1st glanced its look just like the "safety box". It was the place where the prayer donate their money inside the box. And there were other inside the mosque. All secured by a BIG pad lock. . .wondering if there alway stolen money case here . . .

I packed my things and gears heading to the beach . . .

And the 1st thing did I saw was this two white girls. . . looks coolll . . even under the hot sunbathed . .

And then . . the air became hotter and hotter . . . A guy splashing the water with an amazing speed . . . the vroom sound generated from the engine . . .totally vibrated my hearing.

And the guy still in training . . .

Preparation . . . don forget to check up your life jacket . . . even pro can be drown in the sea . .

MJS ( Multipurpose Jet Ski ) . . .Got something?

Yeah . . got something ere . . . suddenly my eyes spot from far far away . . . n zoommminggg . . . here what I got from 300mm lens . . . my new lens from Tamron

I spotted this pigeon too . . . might be something attracting her . . . seldom see this bird on the beach . . .

A drifted jackfruit . . .

Over here also . . .

I remembering back the story told by my late father during Japan invasion in Malaya. Japanese officer asked the villager what is the name of this fruit. Answered by villager"- Nangka". The officer asked again the name of this fruit, and the answer still the same "Nangka". The third times the Japanese Officer asked the villager, and the answer still "Nangka" . . . .and and and this answered followed by huge slapped and knocked by the Japanese. Because "NANGKA" in Japanese is " what " and " Nangka" in Bahasa Melayu is jackfruit.

And on the sandy beach . . . I found myself . . .

Pony with his guardian or keeper. They will offer you for the ride . . . try to bargain with them . . There were two price for local and outsider .

Master and his horse . . .

A good balancing he has . . . boatman

relaxing . . .

Quite funny to see those guys playing the beach volley ball. I'm also wondering both two guys in white shirt . . . they seemed like Nepal or Bangladesh workers? Are they been payed to play with the Park Royal residents? ha ha ha . . .what a way to entertain the guest . . .

A local with their body color toner . . . Impressive . .

Banana racing . . .

In the water . . . an empty tourist boat . . .

High on the sky . . . the air getting hot . . .the first parachute has been launched and trolled by speedboat

Wonderful experienced . . .

Something caught by my eyes . . . the text at parachute . .look carefully . . heemmp . .
" PENANG MALAS " . . . but actually the text was '' PENANG MALAYSIA '' .
Malaysia turn to Malas . . . hahaha. what ever . .

Nahh . . re-crop again . . .

Next flight . . .

An eagle with his caught . . . I'm sorry this is the furthest zooming i can bring you . . . too far away . . .this is my border . . .

Enjoy your day . . .

Might be Australian from the shirt . . .

Happening . . . many activities

Some are getting home . . .

and another

Packing home . . .

The day getting late . . . Im going home

Thanks for viewing my shows . . .Welcoming your opinion and C & C


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